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Blogging WhatsApp Classes 1

Hello guys, Good day. I hope we all are doing fine, and I thank you all for joining my Whatsapp Blogging Masterclass. I couldn't have spoken to myself 😂 So before we start, I would love to do a little introduction. My name is Clifford, and I am a twin blogger, freelance writer, web designer, YouTuber and freelance writer. My twin is Stanford, and we own,, and a few other websites. We don't have any other jobs aside our websites and blogs, and it has been a good life Now, I don't know how you joined the group, whether from my blog, or Facebook ads, or tweets or anywhere, you are welcome. Without wasting any more time, we will be going into what we came here for - Blogging Now, what is blogging, and can you make money from it? Blogging simply put is the act of running a media website. Don't panic yet, I will break it down... hehe! A blog is a website, but a different kind of website. A blog is a kind of websit

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